You received your VA disability rating, and the numbers add up to 60%, but you are only getting paid for 50%. Why? The answer: VA math.
The VA’s math system for calculating total disability ratings is a bit complicated, but we are going to try to explain it to you here. When you get your VA ratings, the VA takes the highest rating you receive, and they deduct that from 100 (the total disability rating). Then, the other ratings, if there are any, are applied toward what is left over.
Here is an example: you receive ratings for 30%, 20%, and 10%.
1) Total disability is 100%.
2) 100 - 30 (your highest rating) = 70
3) 20% (your next highest rating) of the remaining 70% = 14 (what you actually get from the 20% rating)
4) 14 is added to your 30% rating = 44%
5) 100 – 44 = 56
6) 10% of 56 = 5.6
7) 44 + 5.6 = 49.6 (rounded to 50)
8) Your total disability rating is 50%
VA math gets more complicated when you add in bilateral ratings. The VA calculator can do the work for you, which is much easier (and faster) than doing the math yourself. If you have specific questions about your disability ratings, please contact us at (540) 862-0019. We offer a free consultation.